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All Spoiler Recap with Julia Cunningham

Feb 22, 2021

Disaster Month continues on the All Spoiler Recap! Did you really think I would spoil DANTE'S PEAK and not spoil VOLCANO?! Get out of here! Episode 58 spoils the 1998 disaster film VOLCANO. Complete the journey with Julia Cunningham and her guest, Ashley Moutinho. 

Feb 15, 2021

Disaster Month continues on the All Spoiler Recap Podcast! Episode 57 takes you through that other "object hurtling towards earth" film DEEP IMPACT! Complete the journey with Julia Cunningham and her guest, Marissa Pawlowski. 

Feb 8, 2021

As we make our way towards Valentine's Day, the All Spoiler Recap podcast spoils a beautiful love story between man and volcano! Just kidding! The love story of disaster films... and me. Episode 56 spoils the 1997 disaster film DANTE'S PEAK. Complete the journey with Julia Cunningham and her guest, Coree Burton. 

Feb 1, 2021

Episode 55 of the All Spoiler Recap takes you through the plot of the first horror film I saw in theaters! Together, let's take a roller coaster ride (stupid movie reference!!!) through the plot of the 1999 remake HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL! Complete the journey with Julia Cunningham and her guest, Christian Tomas.